
All of ConnectPoint Search Group’s services are focused on meeting your organizations individual cultural and business needs.  We customize solutions designed to achieve specific hiring objectives.  We take pride in the number of clients who have been with us since we started business.  We make it our mission to receive 100% satisfaction scores.

We know how critical it is to ensure that the individuals you hire will match your company culture and surpass your corporate goals so we offer dedicated teams who specialize in placing executives, professionals, and technical specialists for direct-hire. Our customizable hiring solutions are designed to give you the option that best fits your needs.

This innovative solution combines the power of a retained search with the flexibility and low risk of a contingency search. It’s a partnering arrangement, where we—and you—make mutual commitments to optimize the effectiveness of the search and ensure that you see the best candidates in the agreed-upon timeframe. ConnectPoint Search Group Priority Search includes:

  • Dedicated ConnectPoint Search Group time and resources to ensure the success of your project.
  • In-depth interviews of candidates before they are submitted to you.
  • A guarantee, beyond our standard, that is commensurate with our mutual investment.
  • Complete background checks, including credit history, driving record, criminal history, reference checks, and education verification.
  • Skill assessments.
  • Custom company/position candidate profile assessments.
  • Interview preparation and debriefing assistance.
  • Offer and acceptance negotiation assistance.
  • Candidate coaching against accepting a counter-offer.

This risk-free search option gives you access to ConnectPoint Search Group’s deep pool of candidate relationships, search expertise, and more than 75 years of combined Connector team experience. Contingency search includes:

  • No cost unless you hire one of our candidates.
  • In-depth interviews of candidates before they are presented to you.
  • Complete reference checks.
  • Interview preparation and debriefing assistance.
  • Offer and acceptance negotiation assistance.
  • Candidate coaching against accepting a counter-offer.
  • A 90-day replacement or pro-rated refund guarantee, provided payment within ten days of hire.

Can’t decide? Compare the features of these two direct-placement options:

Contingency search Priority Search
Deposit required? No Yes – 15% of anticipated fee
Is a dedicated search conducted? Not typically Yes
Are candidates pre-interviewed before we present them? Yes Yes
How long is the guarantee? 30-90 days 90-180 days
Do I get candidate exclusivity? No Yes
Is success guaranteed? No Yes
Is ConnectPoint Search Group granted exclusivity for an agreed-upon timeframe? No Yes

For the same fee, Priority Search allows our Search Consultants to more effectively do their job, thereby allowing us to increase our guarantee.

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We work with contract staffing professionals in all of our areas of specialization that are perfect for your temporary staffing needs.  Whether you have a project, need to add expertise for a particular matter, or simply are shorthanded, we will find the best available talent when and where you need them and employ them on your behalf.  You simply pay an hourly rate and we take care of the rest – a high-value solution providing the ultimate flexibility.

Every day, our team performs a multitude of tasks that are all part of helping to connect employers and employees. We’re experts at them all, and we offer them all.But you may not need them all. You may just need one, or a few.

With that in mind, we’re happy to offer you our “unbundled services,” which you can use on an à la carte basis. Check out some of these offerings below and see how they spark good ideas for your business:

  • Mergers and acquisitions. Goodness knows we’re connected. At ConnectPoint Search Group, we speak with thousands of businesses each year. And many of them have their feelers out for purchasing, selling, or merging opportunities. Talk to Traci Cetraro, our President, to get a confidential introduction.
  • Business networking. Whether it’s across Sacramento or across the globe, we’re connected to hundreds of companies and countless professionals. We can help you bridge the social distance between your business and someone you’d like to know.
  • Assessment testing. Learn the long-term compatibility of candidates with your business and its culture. It’s easy when you take advantage of the leading tools we offer to analyze candidate profiles, skills sets, and experience. It all adds up to better-informed hiring decisions.
  • Background checks. Not to brag, but we can find out pretty much anything. Our candidate-scrutinizing services include:
    • Criminal background checks
    • Education verification
    • Employment verification
    • Military verification
    • Professional license verification
    • Credit investigation
    • DMV check
    • Drug screening
    • Social Security trace/address verification
    • Sex offender search
    • Federal district court criminal search
    • Civil court search
  • Relocation assistance. Help that hire to make the move and settle in, quickly and without stress. ConnectPoint Search Group offers cost-of-living analysis, home marketing and finding, special mortgage services, special reduced moving costs, home buy-out programs, and expense tracking. We also offer—at no cost—niceties like address-change notification and help finding temporary corporate housing or home rentals.
  • Salary surveys. With the global reach of MRINetwork™, we can provide you with realistic salary information in every major business sector, for almost any location.
  • Video interviewing. Get to know a distant candidate (while observing interview subtleties such as body language) without the time or costs of travel. Simply plug in to our state-of-the-art system.

To learn more about any of our unbundled services, just contact us.

Direct Hire

Connect Point Search Group has dedicated teams in place for your direct hire positions.  We know how critical it is to make sure you hire the right individuals who can reach and surpass your corporate goals.  We specialize in placing executives, professionals, and technical specialist in the following areas:

Accounting and Finance — Information Technology — Human Resources — Administrative


Connect Point Search Group has a dedicated team in place to fill your contract positions.  Whether you need someone for a few months or a year long project, we can assist you in finding the talent you need for all Information Technology,Accounting and Finance positions, Human Resources and Administrative positions.