9 04, 2021

Company Culture in a Remote Workplace


HOW TO CULTIVATE CULTURE IN A REMOTE WORKPLACE ConnectPoint Search Group   When the pandemic hit, most companies did not expect that our “14 days to flatten the curve” would extend through the coming year or be accompanied by lasting changes to how and where business is conducted. Now, over a year later, it has [...]

Company Culture in a Remote Workplace2021-04-12T13:13:42-07:00
2 04, 2021

Habits of Successful Technology Leaders


HABITS OF SUCCESSFUL TECHNOLOGY LEADERS ConnectPoint Search Group   With the ever-evolving business climate, the past year has challenged technology leaders in countless ways – including how to successfully lead their teams. To remain competitive, a technology leader must not only excel within their role individually but must also focus on building a robust team [...]

Habits of Successful Technology Leaders2021-05-03T11:25:23-07:00
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